- The Process of quitting is different for everyone, so you need to deduce and approach which is best suited for you। You have two options, the aggressive approach (i.e) stopping suddenly and completely) or a more gradual reduction in the number of cigarettes you smoke everyday. Set a date to quit and make sure you stick to it. If it is you who decided to quit by yourself then it is must to quit. On the desired date you set.
- Remember you are one individual who is fighting against an cigarettes waiting to be ignited by you. You need the best support from your family,friends and colleagues. Let everyone know that you are planning to quit and request friends not to smoke in front of you or offer you cigarettes. Betting with your friends is also a good idea.
- Discard all cigarettes at home, ashtrays and lighters and anything that would remind you of smoking. Good if you clean your car to remove the smell of tobacco.
- For heavy smokers, chewing gum and nicotine patches can be of great help. (This is only you feel restless). When it is becoming really difficult for you consult your doctor if you can take any medicine which will help you quit by reducing withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke.
- Try to avoid parties and functions where the gathering would smoke. Instead spend time in the gym. Make it a routine.
- If you are used to smoking while drinking tea or coffee, try holding the coffee cup in the hand you generally hold the cigarettes. If you are a person who drinks a lot of coffee, try reducing on coffee intake as your body will retain more caffeine when there is no nocotine in your system.
- Write down all the reasons that enlightened you to quit smoking and carry it around incase you need some reminding.
- It may also be best to avoid alcohol as many people find it hard to resist smoking when they drink.
- The best way to make you strong is to remind yourself of the medical and financial benefits that you achieve by quitting cigarettes.
"If you spend Rs.40/= a day for cigarettes, in a month you burn an average of Rs.1200/= apart from harming yourself & affecting the people around you. Remember you are one among the many lucky who have that extra buck for buying cigarettes whereas there are fellow human beings in this world who strive for a single meal in a day."